Wednesday, June 27, 2018

My new Pottery Blog!

This is my new blog which will have photos of my Cheeky Chickens Critters.  I'm hoping to display them as they are produced. I would appreciate any comments or criticisms you may have. Their size can be seen by the chicken in the teacup to the right.

Please bear with me as creating this new blogspot has not been easy! (my fault I'm sure)

They are sculpted by hand out of either paper clay, cinco blanco, or t-mix. I have the best results with paper clay - meaning I find it the easiest to work with. 

The process is: 

1. Sculpt the head and body 
2. Add the eyes, comb, and wattles
3. Let clay dry a bit
4. Carve in the feathers
5. Dry for a few days until ready for first underglazing of comb, beak, wattles, and eyes.
6. Needs 3 coats of underglazing (a day inbetween each).
7. Fire greenware chicken
8. Use blackbird stain/slip on bisque product
9. Fire again in oxidation kiln.
10.Voila! Product finished!

I will add other chickens and/or critters as I create them.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask (also any suggestions or comments).

Again... bear with me. This is definitely a work in progress.

bird soap dishes, bunny windchimes, and ceramic beads...

Here are a few of the new projects sitting on the greenware cart waiting for their first firing...  These are bunnies and carr...